Highly recommended near-death experience books:
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Category Archives: Light
David Bennett – NDE
David Bennett, once a brash young commercial diver whose personal philosophy was “cut your swath through life to survive,” was caught in a violent storm off the California coast one night where he drowned. While technically “dead,” he met beings of light, relived his life, and peeked into his future, resulting in a complete paradigm shift for him. Later, he discovered he had stage IV lung and bone cancer — so advanced that his spine collapsed. Miraculously, he survived once again, and this second close call taught him even more about living, loving, and how to find purpose in his life. David is the author of “Voyage of Purpose,” a public speaker, and teacher. David has lectured at the International Conference of IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies) and shared his inspirational message at groups across the country. He has also consulted for both radio and television including Oprah and Dr. Oz as a NDE resource, appearances including being filmed for NBC national news and PBS. David’s articles appear in numerous magazines, blogs and papers. Continue reading →
Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Darkness - Loving, Blissful, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Forced to Return, Life Review, Light, NDE
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Mellen-Thomas Benedict – NDE
In 1982, after suffering from terminal brain cancer, Mellen-Thomas Benedict “died.” His body was monitored for an hour and a half after he died and showed no vital signs. Miraculously he returned to his body with a complete remission of the disease. While on the other side Mellen journeyed through several realms of consciousness and beyond the light at the end of the tunnel. He was shown during his NDE, in holographic detail, Earth’s past and a beautiful vision of mankind’s future for the next 400 years. He experienced the cosmology of our soul’s connection to Mother Earth (Gaia), our role in the Universe, and was gifted with access to Universal Intelligence. NDE author/researcher Dr. Kenneth Ring says that Benedict’s NDE “is one of the most remarkable I have encountered in extensive research on near-death experiences.” Continue reading →
Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Atheist (before NDE), Controversial People, Claims, Stories, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with God, Encounters with Jesus, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Hell & Hellish Realms, Life Review, Light, Music and/or Singing, Nature Is Alive, Aware, Intelligent, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Predictions, Purpose of Life, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Super-Heightened Senses, The Void, Tunnel
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Peter Panagore – NDE
Reverend Peter Panagore, M.Div (Yale) has had two near-death experiences, the first while ice climbing in 1980 and the second in 2015 due to a heart attack. He recounts these in his book Heaven Is Beautiful: How Dying Taught Me That Death Is Just the Beginning, an Audible Best Seller available globally in nine editions. His best-selling second book, Two Minutes for God: Quick Fixes for the Spirit, is a collection of original inspirational devotional stories, many of which he told for 15 years on a daily TV show reaching 30 million viewers annually in Maine and New Hampshire. Previously, he served as a United Church of Christ minister and pastor in Maine and Connecticut. He published 150 sermons and many prayers in Homiletics, a leading clergy journal. He now runs a global spiritual counseling service for “closet mystics” and travels nationally as a public and inspirational speaker and teacher. He has been practicing Zazen/Centering Prayer and Kundalini/Kriya Yoga for forty years. Continue reading →
Posted in All Knowingness, Chose to Return, Darkness - Loving, Blissful, Encounters with God, Feeling One with the Universe, Given Specific Mission, Life Review, Light, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience
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Jeff C. Olsen – NDE
In 1997, Jeff experienced a horrific automobile accident which inflicted multiple life threatening injuries, including crushing both his legs. He had 18 surgeries and spent six months in the hospital. His left leg was amputated above the knee. The most devastating outcome of the accident was the loss of his wife and youngest son, both killed instantly. Overwhelmed by his own life-threatening injuries, Jeff had a profound near-death experience in which he met his wife on the other side, who told him he couldn’t stay and had to return. Having that glimpse into heaven gave him the courage he needed to carry on and care for his living son. He has since remarried and adopted two more sons. According to Jeff’s website, his greatest joy comes from being a husband and father. His mission is to assist people in consciously embracing who they are and the connection they share with others and the universe.
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Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Chose to Return, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with Jesus, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Featured Stories, Given Specific Mission, Light, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Out-of-Body Experience, Super-Heightened Senses, Unconditional Love
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Reinee Pasarow – NDE
In May of 1966, 16-year-old Reinee Pasarow of La Crescent, California, became unconscious following an allergic food reaction. During her near-death experience, Rene reports traveling back into time to witness the evolution and history of the human race. She learned how humanity is currently at a turning point and that it must deal with all the obstacles to unity before a new era of universal peace will come. She saw a future of our planet as a world populated with beings of light. Reinee has been interviewed by major television networks, including ABC, CNN and NBC. Her NDE testimony has been heard by people in 45 countries. After her NDE, Reinee went on to graduate from the University of California with a degree in economics. She exhibits the humanitarian aftereffects that many NDErs have. She is a successful business woman and has founded or directed several charitable organizations and projects. In addition, she travels and lectures extensively to make life on Earth more like the one she saw in heaven. Before her NDE, as a child, Reinee was very spiritual and became attracted to the Bahá’í faith. She continues to be a dedicated member of that faith. For many years Reinee has suffered from Multiple Sclerosis; but despite of her disability she has been very active. Continue reading →
Posted in All Stories, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Life Review, Light, Music and/or Singing, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Otherworldly Schools, Out-of-Body Experience, Predictions, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Tunnel, Unconditional Love
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Mary Deioma – STE
Mary Deioma has had a a variety of transcendent and out-of-body experiences, journeying through the many levels of heaven and what is called hell. She returned with a deeper understanding of the conscious universe. Continue reading →
Posted in All Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Light, Nature Is Alive, Aware, Intelligent, STE, The Void
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Don Piper – NDE
Following his radio and television broadcasting career, Don Piper pursued a calling that he had since adolescence and became an ordained Christian minister. During his service as a pastor, in fact on his way to church, Don Piper was killed in a horrific car crash in 1989. A pastor who was on that lonely highway behind him, felt called by God to pray over Don’s dead body and did so for ninety minutes. Others who were told of the accident, but not of Don’s death, also prayed. After being dead for an hour and a half, Don returned from the gates of Heaven to endure 13 excruciating months of hospitalization, 34 major surgeries, including some never before attempted in the United States, and years of painful therapy and rehabilitation. He walks today as a result of miraculous and medically unexplainable events and today shares lessons of answered prayer, miracles, overcoming tragedy, pain and loss, and the reality of Heaven.
Don Piper has spoken to nearly three thousand audiences around the globe since the release of his New York Times best selling book, “90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life”. First published in 2004, Don’s book remained on the New York Times best-seller list for nearly four years. Millions have experienced the 90 Minutes in Heaven story in person, on television, radio, and print media. Don has appeared on NBC’s Today Show, Dateline NBC, ABC’s Nightline, FOX Network’s Sean Hannity’s America, and The O’Reilly Factor. He’s also been interviewed by hundreds of radio stations, newspapers, and magazines all over the world. His books have been published in 40 languages and sold over 5 millions copies. In 2007, Don founded Don Piper Ministries, a 501-c3 entity, to channel revenues from book sales and speaking income to help over 40 ministries here and abroad. Don’s home is in Pasadena, Texas. He has been married to the former Eva Pentecost since 1973. They are the parents of three children, a daughter Nicole and twin sons, Chris and Joe. Eva and Don have two grandchildren, Carlee and Will… Continue reading →
Posted in All Stories, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with Family & Friends, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Light, Music and/or Singing, Otherworldly Places, Out-of-Body Experience
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Yvonne Sneeden – NDE
In 2008, a life crisis lead to Yvonne Sneeden having a near-death experience. During her experience, Yvonne entered a heavenly realm and encountered Jesus and various angelic beings. Yvonne is the creator of ThinkHeavenNow (THENOW), a member of both IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies) and ACISTE (American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences). She is currently working in collaboration with Sabine Van Den Bulke, psychotherapist and movement therapist with expertise in NDE Experiencers, in bringing spiritual and emotional support to help near-death experiencers cope with NDE after-effects. Continue reading →
Posted in Aftereffects, All Stories, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with Jesus, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Featured Stories, Forced to Return, Light, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Unconditional Love
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Betty J. Eadie – NDE
Betty (Jean) Eadie (born 1942) is a prominent American author of several books on near-death experiences (NDEs). Her best-known book is the #1 New York Times bestselling book, Embraced by the Light (1992). It describes her near-death experience. It is one of the most detailed near-death account on record. It was followed by two other works: The Awakening Heart (1996), also a best-seller, and The Ripple Effect (1999), published independently. Eadie was raised in Nebraska and on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Part Native American, she grew up in troubled family circumstances, dropped out of high school to care for a sister, then returned to complete it, and later pursued a college degree. She works today in counseling and hypnotherapy with volunteer work and speaks to gatherings about her experiences. Continue reading →
Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Chose to Return, Darkness - Loving, Blissful, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Encounters with Jesus, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Forced to Return, Life Review, Light, Music and/or Singing, Nature Is Alive, Aware, Intelligent, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Otherworldly Schools, Out-of-Body Experience, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Tunnel
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Ian McCormack – DNDE, NDE
Ian McCormack’s story began in 1980, when he left New Zealand at the age of 24 for “The Big O.E”, a New Zealand tradition of young people traveling to get some “Overseas Experience.” He sought the “meaning to life” and was particularly interested in enlightenment from eastern religious teachings. Despite this interest, he became convinced through his travels that there was no life after death and this present life was all there was to live for. Later he would describe himself as a “gambling atheist” during this time. After backpacking and surfing through Asia and Africa, Ian ended up on the Island of Mauritius off the coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean. He struck up a friendship with some local Creole fishermen and went night diving to catch fish. On one particular night, while diving, Ian was stung by five Box Jellyfish, specifically the deadly variety of Box Jellyfish called the Sea Wasp – Chironex fleckeri. Paralyzed and dying, Ian was rushed to a hospital. While there, Ian states he experienced visions of heaven and hell, and felt Jesus empowering him to live so he might tell his story to others. According to Ian’s testimony, he came back to life on a slab in the morgue a full 15-20 minutes after he had been declared dead by the doctors. He was paralyzed from the neck down, but he prayed to be healed and walked out of the hospital the next day. After his experience, Ian describes how he thought he was the only one in the world who knew God. He began reading a Bible and says he was amazed to find everything he had experienced detailed within its pages. He became a missionary and ministered to indigenous tribes in southeast Asia where he met his future wife and fellow missionary, Jane. After they were married, they worked in New Zealand revivals until they felt called to start a church in England. Since then, he has traveled the world, sharing his testimony with churches, theaters and small groups. Ian’s testimony has been translated into a dozen languages and video interviews are available on YouTube and Google Video. Ian stresses constantly that his story is not to be sold; his story and book have been released without copyright, allowing anyone to download and print it. A feature length film based on Ian’s experience is in pre-production titled The Perfect Wave. Continue reading →
Posted in All Stories, Atheist (before NDE), Chose to Return, Darkness - Disturbing, DNDE, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Encounters with Jesus, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Featured Stories, Hell & Hellish Realms, Life Review, Light, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Out-of-Body Experience, Tunnel, Unconditional Love
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