Category Archives: Became God

Raymond Kinman – NDE

Raymond Kinman experienced his near-death experience in 1966 when he was nine years old. As a result of a Judo throw gone wrong, Raymond, a 4th grader at the time, landed on the top of his head, on concrete. As a result, Raymond’s body began convulsing and his tongue retracted, causing his body to suffocate.

Raymond found himself in a place with “no gravity, no color, no darkness, and no light.” Says Raymond, “I didn’t know where I was or how I had gotten there. I was absolutely terrified.” When Raymond was finally able to let go of his fear, he felt better. And then he saw a pinpoint of light “10 million times brighter than the sun.” He then met a spiritual being who knew him and who introduced him to God. “Beautiful, blissful pure love” is how he describes the encounter. After spending time with The Light and a multitude of other beings that made The Light, Raymond was told, against his wishes, that he must return.

When he recovered, he told his mother what had happened. A devout Catholic, she took him to a priest, who told him that since he didn’t see Jesus in the experience, it was probably a trick of Satan. The conflict between what Raymond experienced and the counsel he received from his priest caused Raymond to actively suppress his experience for many years. It wasn’t until years later — when the term “near-death experience” was created — that he realized he wasn’t alone.

Raymond did not speak publicly about his experience for 45 years. In recent years, he has spoken at many chapters and at the IANDS national conference. And now, almost a half century after his NDE, he can say, “When I die I’ll have a big smile on my faceā€¦ because I know what’s coming!” Continue reading

Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Became God, Darkness - Disturbing, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Light, Music and/or Singing, Nature Is Alive, Aware, Intelligent, NDE, Unconditional Love | Comments Off on Raymond Kinman – NDE

Jeremy Kagan – DNDE, NDE

Jeremy Kagan is an American film and television director, screenwriter, and television producer. In June of 2013, Kagan published a book about his near-death experience which took place during a Native American sweat lodge ceremony. After leaving his body, Kagan reports entering a personal hell, escaping, and then exploring various spiritual realities. Among other things, Kagan reports becoming aware of everything he had ever perceived, actual or imagined. His personal story, or life review, eventually morphed into the story of humankind , which he felt he had created: “Everything I had seen and heard — all the events I have known about, all the media I had watched, every movie, TV show, book, image, human I had met or seen or heard about — all of them — I had made them all up! Everything known on my path as this particular human being had been of my making. My imagining. And all the creations made by others — even the very existence of others — all of this had originated in my mind.” Continue reading

Posted in All Stories, Became God, DNDE, Explored Human History, Featured Stories, Hell & Hellish Realms, Life Review, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, The Void, Tunnel | Comments Off on Jeremy Kagan – DNDE, NDE