Category Archives: Forced to Return

Louisa Peck – NDE

Lousia Peck had her near-death experience in November of 1982. A rabid atheist, she was on a path of self-destruction that traced back to her alcoholic family. Drinking and infatuation were the two “twin highs” that dominated her broken life — until a near-death experience, and Alcoholics Anonymous, helped turn everything around.  Continue reading

Posted in Aftereffects, Atheist (before NDE), Encounters with God, Forced to Return, Light, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Unconditional Love | Comments Off on Louisa Peck – NDE

David Milarch – NDE

Twenty years ago, David Milarch, a northern Michigan nurseryman with a penchant for hard living, had a near-death experience. After this experience, angels let him know that the earth was in trouble. Its trees were dying, and without them, human life was in jeopardy. The solution, they told him, was to clone the champion trees of the world — the largest, the hardiest, the ones that had survived millennia and were most resilient to climate change — and create a kind of Noah’s ark of tree genetics. Without knowing if the message had any basis in science, or why he’d been chosen for this task, Milarch began his mission of cloning the world’s great trees. Many scientists and tree experts told him it couldn’t be done, but, twenty years later, his team has successfully cloned some of the world’s oldest trees — among them giant redwoods and sequoias. They have also grown seedlings from the oldest tree in the world, the bristlecone pine Methuselah… Continue reading

Posted in Aftereffects, All Stories, Encounters with Angels, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Featured Stories, Forced to Return, Given Specific Mission, Light, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Out-of-Body Experience, Tunnel, Unconditional Love | Comments Off on David Milarch – NDE

Dannion Brinkley – NDE

Born in 1950, Dannion Brinkley is the author of three international best selling books — Saved by the Light, At Peace in the Light, and Secrets of the Light. He is also a internationally known speaker who has appeared on hundreds of television and radio shows. In 1994 his New York Times bestseller, Saved by the Light, was the highest rated made-for-television movie of all time by the Fox Network. Drawing on his three near-death experiences, Dannion speaks to diverse audiences worldwide on topics including Near-Death Experiences, Palliative and Hospice Care, and Complementary and Alternative Healing Practices. In 1997, Dannion co-founded The Twilight Brigade in Los Angeles with a small but dedicated team of experience hospice volunteers and trainers. Since then, more than 5,300 have taken the volunteer training. Dannion has also received dozens of awards for his achievements and volunteer service, including the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service, the VFW Women’s Auxiliary Cherished Heroes Award, the Courage and Valor Award from the National Foundation for Women Legislators and numerous VA Awards including the VA Special Secretary’s Award and the Heart of Hospice Award, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Association’s highest honor. Continue reading

Posted in All Knowingness, All Stories, Atheist (before NDE), Controversial People, Claims, Stories, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Forced to Return, Given Specific Mission, Life Review, Light, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Out-of-Body Experience, Predictions, Super-Heightened Senses, Tunnel | Comments Off on Dannion Brinkley – NDE

Hila Baruch – NDE

In 2014, as the result of a botched surgical operation, which was compounded by the hospital confusing her blood tests with the blood tests of another woman, Hila Baruch died and had a near-death experience. Her near-death experience left her with the knowledge that she is not who she thought she was and that she could no longer continue her work as before. Prior to her NDE, Hila worked in Israel as a courtroom attorney. After her NDE, Hila returned to Earth with three mandates:

1. Repent for past mistakes and make amends (Teshuvah).

2. Use the talents God gave her for holy purposes.

2. Share her near-death experience with others. Continue reading

Posted in Darkness - Loving, Blissful, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Feeling One with the Universe, Forced to Return, Given Specific Mission, Life Review, Light, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Purpose of Life, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Veridical NDEs (verified out of body perceptions) | Comments Off on Hila Baruch – NDE

David Bennett – NDE

David Bennett, once a brash young commercial diver whose personal philosophy was “cut your swath through life to survive,” was caught in a violent storm off the California coast one night where he drowned. While technically “dead,” he met beings of light, relived his life, and peeked into his future, resulting in a complete paradigm shift for him. Later, he discovered he had stage IV lung and bone cancer — so advanced that his spine collapsed. Miraculously, he survived once again, and this second close call taught him even more about living, loving, and how to find purpose in his life. David is the author of “Voyage of Purpose,” a public speaker, and teacher. David has lectured at the International Conference of IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies) and shared his inspirational message at groups across the country. He has also consulted for both radio and television including Oprah and Dr. Oz as a NDE resource, appearances including being filmed for NBC national news and PBS. David’s articles appear in numerous magazines, blogs and papers. Continue reading

Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Darkness - Loving, Blissful, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Forced to Return, Life Review, Light, NDE | Comments Off on David Bennett – NDE

Ed Salisbury – NDE

Ed Salisbury is a hospice minister, yoga coach, and funeral director. Having experienced multiple near-death experiences, he’s been drawn to work closely with the dying. In that role, he’s been providing optimal choices in elder care, health challenges and “at death” care for over 20 years. He advises friends, families and organizations in the planning and fulfillment of funeral arrangements. Ed has also served on local and international association boards of directors for grief recovery, near-death experiences (IANDS), funeral consumer, and hospice care organizations. Continue reading

Posted in All Knowingness, Awareness of Past Lives, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Encounters with Jesus, Featured Stories, Forced to Return, Life Review, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, STE, Veridical NDEs (verified out of body perceptions) | Comments Off on Ed Salisbury – NDE

Dr. Mary Neal – NDE

Dr. Mary Neal is a board-certified orthopaedic spine surgeon who drowned while kayaking on a South American river. She experienced life after death. She went to heaven and back, conversed with Jesus and experienced God’s encompassing love. She was returned to Earth with some specific instructions for work she still needed to do. Her life has been one filled with the miracles and intervention of God. Her story gives reason to live by faith and is a story of hope… Continue reading

Posted in All Knowingness, All Stories, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with God, Encounters with Jesus, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Forced to Return, Given Specific Mission, Life Review, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Out-of-Body Experience, Predictions, Super-Heightened Senses, Unconditional Love | Comments Off on Dr. Mary Neal – NDE

Amy Call – NDE

Since she was 17 years old, Amy Call suffered from chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia. In 2003, after suffering an allergic reaction to a medication that her doctor had prescribed, Amy felt her body go numb. Her nasal passages swelled up and she couldn’t breathe, or call out for help. A couple minutes later, the struggle was over. Amy felt herself be sucked out of the top of her head and her profound, insightful, and deeply inspiring near-death experience began. Writes Amy:

“I came to understand that most of us have lived much, MUCH longer than we could even fathom. That our lives that feel so very long are infinitesimal when placed in the Whole picture… which for that matter, cannot even be framed. I was shown how every single individual through their own free will chooses paths that MATHEMATICALLY take them to the circumstances of their next existence or life. That NOTHING at all sits in accident or chaos. That every single aspect of our lives are ruled by NATURAL Laws that we placed ourSELVES in! That in a sense, we create our own worlds. I was shown how one can never assume either, that if someone lives a life of suffering that this is because of ‘evil’ deeds. Many may CHOOSE a life of suffering because of what it Awakens in them.. or to help another, etc.. We can NEVER EVER assume that we can be accurate in guessing why each Being lives the life they live. I cannot describe the relief… the refreshing, peaceful balm this Knowledge was for me. To finally gather this Truth that I’d yearned for all of my life… That all IS Good! That there IS sense and beauty all around. That no one is just ‘free-falling’ as it had seemed before! That God doesn’t just get to toy with us as He pleases with random ideas of tests, including rewards and punishments that just depend upon His current mood or mindset. While in this experience, out in the vast expanse of stars and planets, moons, and Knowledge, I Knew complete Trust for what felt like the first time. This was bliss for me. I had lived in fear and distrust and panic for 30 consecutive years…” Continue reading

Posted in Aftereffects, All Stories, Chose to Return, Darkness - Loving, Blissful, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Forced to Return, Heavenly Humor, Life Review, Nature Is Alive, Aware, Intelligent, NDE, Purpose of Life, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Super-Heightened Senses | Comments Off on Amy Call – NDE

Yvonne Sneeden – NDE

In 2008, a life crisis lead to Yvonne Sneeden having a near-death experience. During her experience, Yvonne entered a heavenly realm and encountered Jesus and various angelic beings. Yvonne is the creator of ThinkHeavenNow (THENOW), a member of both IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies) and ACISTE (American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences). She is currently working in collaboration with Sabine Van Den Bulke, psychotherapist and movement therapist with expertise in NDE Experiencers, in bringing spiritual and emotional support to help near-death experiencers cope with NDE after-effects. Continue reading

Posted in Aftereffects, All Stories, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with Jesus, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Featured Stories, Forced to Return, Light, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Unconditional Love | Comments Off on Yvonne Sneeden – NDE

Betty J. Eadie – NDE

Betty (Jean) Eadie (born 1942) is a prominent American author of several books on near-death experiences (NDEs). Her best-known book is the #1 New York Times bestselling book, Embraced by the Light (1992). It describes her near-death experience. It is one of the most detailed near-death account on record. It was followed by two other works: The Awakening Heart (1996), also a best-seller, and The Ripple Effect (1999), published independently. Eadie was raised in Nebraska and on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Part Native American, she grew up in troubled family circumstances, dropped out of high school to care for a sister, then returned to complete it, and later pursued a college degree. She works today in counseling and hypnotherapy with volunteer work and speaks to gatherings about her experiences. Continue reading

Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Chose to Return, Darkness - Loving, Blissful, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Encounters with Jesus, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Forced to Return, Life Review, Light, Music and/or Singing, Nature Is Alive, Aware, Intelligent, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Otherworldly Schools, Out-of-Body Experience, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Tunnel | Comments Off on Betty J. Eadie – NDE