Category Archives: Feeling One with the Universe

Dr. Eben Alexander – NDE

Dr. Eben Alexander III has been an academic neurosurgeon for the last 25 years, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. Over those years he personally dealt with hundreds of patients suffering from severe alterations in their level of consciousness. Many of those patients were rendered comatose by trauma, brain tumors, ruptured aneurysms, infections, or stroke. Based on his training as a neurosurgeon, Dr. Alexander “knew” that what people of faith call the “soul” is really a product of brain chemistry. NDEs, he would have been the first to explain, might feel real to the people having them, but in truth they are simply fantasies produced by brains under extreme stress.

In the predawn hours of November 10, 2008, Dr. Alexander himself became a comatose patient. For reasons that remain obscure, he was overcome by a fulminant bacterial meningitis and was comatose on a ventilator in the Intensive Care Unit within hours. His physicians were stunned to find that the culprit was a bacteria that almost never causes spontaneous meningitis in adults. After six days on triple antibiotics, showing no response and with little neurological function remaining, his physicians had few words of encouragement for his family.

For seven days Alexander lay in a hospital bed in a deep coma. Then, as his doctors weighed the possibility of stopping treatment, Alexander’s eyes popped open. Alexander’s recovery is by all accounts a medical miracle. But the real miracle of his story lies elsewhere. While his body lay in coma, Alexander journeyed beyond this world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the deepest realms of super-physical existence. There he met, and spoke with, the Divine source of the universe itself.

Before Alexander underwent his journey, he could not reconcile his knowledge of neuroscience with any belief in heaven, God, or the soul. That difficulty with belief created an empty space that no professional triumph could erase. Today he is a doctor who believes that true health can be achieved only when we realize that God and the soul are real and that death is not the end of personal existence but only a transition. Continue reading

Posted in All Stories, Controversial People, Claims, Stories, Darkness - Loving, Blissful, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with Family & Friends, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Feeling One with the Universe, Light, Music and/or Singing, NDE, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Super-Heightened Senses, The Void | Tagged | Comments Off on Dr. Eben Alexander – NDE

Hila Baruch – NDE

In 2014, as the result of a botched surgical operation, which was compounded by the hospital confusing her blood tests with the blood tests of another woman, Hila Baruch died and had a near-death experience. Her near-death experience left her with the knowledge that she is not who she thought she was and that she could no longer continue her work as before. Prior to her NDE, Hila worked in Israel as a courtroom attorney. After her NDE, Hila returned to Earth with three mandates:

1. Repent for past mistakes and make amends (Teshuvah).

2. Use the talents God gave her for holy purposes.

2. Share her near-death experience with others. Continue reading

Posted in Darkness - Loving, Blissful, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Feeling One with the Universe, Forced to Return, Given Specific Mission, Life Review, Light, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Purpose of Life, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Veridical NDEs (verified out of body perceptions) | Comments Off on Hila Baruch – NDE

Anita Moorjani – NDE

Anita Moorjani was born in Singapore and then lived in Sri Lanka until she was 2 years old. An ethnic Sindhi woman from India, her family then moved to Hong Kong where she grew up speaking fluent Sindhi, Cantonese and English, as well as being conversant with a multitude of cultural idioms. She was educated in English schools in Hong Kong and later studied in England before returning to Hong Kong to take up a senior management position for a French fashion company where she traveled all over the world using her multi-cultural, multilingual background in a variety of business and social settings. In December 1995, she married her husband and soulmate, Danny. In April 2002 she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and after nearly 4 years of battling the disease, she was taken to the intensive care unit of her local hospital in February 2006 where she was given less than 36 hours to live. Her remarkable NDE and seeming miraculous recovery from cancer has created enormous interest and commentary on an international scale. Continue reading

Posted in All Stories, Awareness of Past Lives, Chose to Return, Encounters with Family & Friends, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Predictions, Unconditional Love, Veridical NDEs (verified out of body perceptions) | Comments Off on Anita Moorjani – NDE

Mellen-Thomas Benedict – NDE

In 1982, after suffering from terminal brain cancer, Mellen-Thomas Benedict “died.” His body was monitored for an hour and a half after he died and showed no vital signs. Miraculously he returned to his body with a complete remission of the disease. While on the other side Mellen journeyed through several realms of consciousness and beyond the light at the end of the tunnel. He was shown during his NDE, in holographic detail, Earth’s past and a beautiful vision of mankind’s future for the next 400 years. He experienced the cosmology of our soul’s connection to Mother Earth (Gaia), our role in the Universe, and was gifted with access to Universal Intelligence. NDE author/researcher Dr. Kenneth Ring says that Benedict’s NDE “is one of the most remarkable I have encountered in extensive research on near-death experiences.” Continue reading

Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Atheist (before NDE), Controversial People, Claims, Stories, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with God, Encounters with Jesus, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Hell & Hellish Realms, Life Review, Light, Music and/or Singing, Nature Is Alive, Aware, Intelligent, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Predictions, Purpose of Life, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Super-Heightened Senses, The Void, Tunnel | Comments Off on Mellen-Thomas Benedict – NDE

Peter Panagore – NDE

Reverend Peter Panagore, M.Div (Yale) has had two near-death experiences, the first while ice climbing in 1980 and the second in 2015 due to a heart attack. He recounts these in his book Heaven Is Beautiful: How Dying Taught Me That Death Is Just the Beginning, an Audible Best Seller available globally in nine editions. His best-selling second book, Two Minutes for God: Quick Fixes for the Spirit, is a collection of original inspirational devotional stories, many of which he told for 15 years on a daily TV show reaching 30 million viewers annually in Maine and New Hampshire. Previously, he served as a United Church of Christ minister and pastor in Maine and Connecticut. He published 150 sermons and many prayers in Homiletics, a leading clergy journal. He now runs a global spiritual counseling service for “closet mystics” and travels nationally as a public and inspirational speaker and teacher. He has been practicing Zazen/Centering Prayer and Kundalini/Kriya Yoga for forty years. Continue reading

Posted in All Knowingness, Chose to Return, Darkness - Loving, Blissful, Encounters with God, Feeling One with the Universe, Given Specific Mission, Life Review, Light, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience | Comments Off on Peter Panagore – NDE

Reinee Pasarow – NDE

In May of 1966, 16-year-old Reinee Pasarow of La Crescent, California, became unconscious following an allergic food reaction. During her near-death experience, Rene reports traveling back into time to witness the evolution and history of the human race. She learned how humanity is currently at a turning point and that it must deal with all the obstacles to unity before a new era of universal peace will come. She saw a future of our planet as a world populated with beings of light. Reinee has been interviewed by major television networks, including ABC, CNN and NBC. Her NDE testimony has been heard by people in 45 countries. After her NDE, Reinee went on to graduate from the University of California with a degree in economics. She exhibits the humanitarian aftereffects that many NDErs have. She is a successful business woman and has founded or directed several charitable organizations and projects. In addition, she travels and lectures extensively to make life on Earth more like the one she saw in heaven. Before her NDE, as a child, Reinee was very spiritual and became attracted to the Bahá’í faith. She continues to be a dedicated member of that faith. For many years Reinee has suffered from Multiple Sclerosis; but despite of her disability she has been very active. Continue reading

Posted in All Stories, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Life Review, Light, Music and/or Singing, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Otherworldly Schools, Out-of-Body Experience, Predictions, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Tunnel, Unconditional Love | Comments Off on Reinee Pasarow – NDE

Mary Deioma – STE

Mary Deioma has had a a variety of transcendent and out-of-body experiences, journeying through the many levels of heaven and what is called hell. She returned with a deeper understanding of the conscious universe. Continue reading

Posted in All Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Light, Nature Is Alive, Aware, Intelligent, STE, The Void | Comments Off on Mary Deioma – STE

Amy Call – NDE

Since she was 17 years old, Amy Call suffered from chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia. In 2003, after suffering an allergic reaction to a medication that her doctor had prescribed, Amy felt her body go numb. Her nasal passages swelled up and she couldn’t breathe, or call out for help. A couple minutes later, the struggle was over. Amy felt herself be sucked out of the top of her head and her profound, insightful, and deeply inspiring near-death experience began. Writes Amy:

“I came to understand that most of us have lived much, MUCH longer than we could even fathom. That our lives that feel so very long are infinitesimal when placed in the Whole picture… which for that matter, cannot even be framed. I was shown how every single individual through their own free will chooses paths that MATHEMATICALLY take them to the circumstances of their next existence or life. That NOTHING at all sits in accident or chaos. That every single aspect of our lives are ruled by NATURAL Laws that we placed ourSELVES in! That in a sense, we create our own worlds. I was shown how one can never assume either, that if someone lives a life of suffering that this is because of ‘evil’ deeds. Many may CHOOSE a life of suffering because of what it Awakens in them.. or to help another, etc.. We can NEVER EVER assume that we can be accurate in guessing why each Being lives the life they live. I cannot describe the relief… the refreshing, peaceful balm this Knowledge was for me. To finally gather this Truth that I’d yearned for all of my life… That all IS Good! That there IS sense and beauty all around. That no one is just ‘free-falling’ as it had seemed before! That God doesn’t just get to toy with us as He pleases with random ideas of tests, including rewards and punishments that just depend upon His current mood or mindset. While in this experience, out in the vast expanse of stars and planets, moons, and Knowledge, I Knew complete Trust for what felt like the first time. This was bliss for me. I had lived in fear and distrust and panic for 30 consecutive years…” Continue reading

Posted in Aftereffects, All Stories, Chose to Return, Darkness - Loving, Blissful, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Forced to Return, Heavenly Humor, Life Review, Nature Is Alive, Aware, Intelligent, NDE, Purpose of Life, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Super-Heightened Senses | Comments Off on Amy Call – NDE

Duane S – NDE

Duane’s near-death experience took place in the spring of 1981when he was 41 years old. Before his experience, he describes himself as an agnostic who held no spiritual beliefs. He believed “it would all be over” when he died and looked forward “to the oblivion.” After his NDE, Duane came to believe:

“There is nothing to fear in death. It’s just the beginning of a new adventure; another chance to express yourself differently with souls you have loved and cherished over many lifetimes and many realms. Now, I imagine death as being an E-Ticket to the ultimate theme park, and I am the one who selects which park to experience. I also select the rides while I’m there. The rides can be as scary or peaceful and loving. It’s always my choice. If you don’t like the ride you’re on, get off and find one that is more to your liking the next time around. After all, when God created humans in his likeness, he promised an eternity of joy and happiness. Since eternity is such a long time, and has no beginning or end, it covers all time everywhere…” Continue reading

Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Atheist (before NDE), Awareness of Past Lives, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Forced to Return, Given Specific Mission, Hell & Hellish Realms, Life Elsewhere In The Universe, Life Review, Light, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Predictions, Purpose of Life, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe | Comments Off on Duane S – NDE

Cami Renfrow – NDE

When Cami was 22, she lost control of her car and was crushed when her airborne car landed on top of her. It shattered her sacrum, fractured her skull, and devastated much in between. Cami’s survival and ultimate thriving surprised many medical professionals who worked with the severe injuries. Cami subsequently experienced long, ongoing periods of altered states of consciousness. These experiences illuminated the suddenly self-evident fact that our physical bodies and experiences are manifestations of Consciousness. Years of oppressive chronic pain took their toll, with arthritis and fibromyalgia pain syndromes settling in after the initial trauma recovery. Over time, during moments of quiet, mystical visions and spontaneous healing unwound these layers of pain. Following the path unfolding before her, and with the help of shared information from many wise professional sources, nutrition, homeopathy and changing my thought and movement patterns, the tide turned. Cami’s perceptions and body felt more clarity and freedom than had ever been a part of her experience. Following many personal miracles of recovery, she came to recognize that with focused concentration we can channel life force energy for healing. She now views her tortuous car accident and the lessons from its aftermath as great gifts. Continue reading

Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Awareness of Past Lives, Chose to Return, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Life Review, Light, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Predictions, Purpose of Life, Super-Heightened Senses, Unconditional Love | Comments Off on Cami Renfrow – NDE