Ed Salisbury – NDE


Ed Salisbury

Ed Salisbury is a hospice minister, yoga coach, and funeral director. Having experienced multiple near-death experiences, he’s been drawn to work closely with the dying. In that role, he’s been providing optimal choices in elder care, health challenges and “at death” care for over 20 years. He advises friends, families and organizations in the planning and fulfillment of funeral arrangements. Ed has also served on local and international association boards of directors for grief recovery, near-death experiences (IANDS), funeral consumer, and hospice care organizations.


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“It’s neither good nor bad, in the higher sense. It’s a lesson for the learning.” Source

“There are consequences for every choice you make, every act you take, and to the degree that you choose the highest good for all involved, you become more free to die with comfort and ease.”Source








This entry was posted in All Knowingness, Awareness of Past Lives, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Encounters with Jesus, Featured Stories, Forced to Return, Life Review, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, STE, Veridical NDEs (verified out of body perceptions). Bookmark the permalink.