Highly recommended near-death experience books:
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- Veridical NDEs (verified out of body perceptions)
Category Archives: Encounters with Family & Friends
Don Piper – NDE
Following his radio and television broadcasting career, Don Piper pursued a calling that he had since adolescence and became an ordained Christian minister. During his service as a pastor, in fact on his way to church, Don Piper was killed in a horrific car crash in 1989. A pastor who was on that lonely highway behind him, felt called by God to pray over Don’s dead body and did so for ninety minutes. Others who were told of the accident, but not of Don’s death, also prayed. After being dead for an hour and a half, Don returned from the gates of Heaven to endure 13 excruciating months of hospitalization, 34 major surgeries, including some never before attempted in the United States, and years of painful therapy and rehabilitation. He walks today as a result of miraculous and medically unexplainable events and today shares lessons of answered prayer, miracles, overcoming tragedy, pain and loss, and the reality of Heaven.
Don Piper has spoken to nearly three thousand audiences around the globe since the release of his New York Times best selling book, “90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life”. First published in 2004, Don’s book remained on the New York Times best-seller list for nearly four years. Millions have experienced the 90 Minutes in Heaven story in person, on television, radio, and print media. Don has appeared on NBC’s Today Show, Dateline NBC, ABC’s Nightline, FOX Network’s Sean Hannity’s America, and The O’Reilly Factor. He’s also been interviewed by hundreds of radio stations, newspapers, and magazines all over the world. His books have been published in 40 languages and sold over 5 millions copies. In 2007, Don founded Don Piper Ministries, a 501-c3 entity, to channel revenues from book sales and speaking income to help over 40 ministries here and abroad. Don’s home is in Pasadena, Texas. He has been married to the former Eva Pentecost since 1973. They are the parents of three children, a daughter Nicole and twin sons, Chris and Joe. Eva and Don have two grandchildren, Carlee and Will… Continue reading →
Posted in All Stories, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with Family & Friends, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Light, Music and/or Singing, Otherworldly Places, Out-of-Body Experience
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Betty J. Eadie – NDE
Betty (Jean) Eadie (born 1942) is a prominent American author of several books on near-death experiences (NDEs). Her best-known book is the #1 New York Times bestselling book, Embraced by the Light (1992). It describes her near-death experience. It is one of the most detailed near-death account on record. It was followed by two other works: The Awakening Heart (1996), also a best-seller, and The Ripple Effect (1999), published independently. Eadie was raised in Nebraska and on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Part Native American, she grew up in troubled family circumstances, dropped out of high school to care for a sister, then returned to complete it, and later pursued a college degree. She works today in counseling and hypnotherapy with volunteer work and speaks to gatherings about her experiences. Continue reading →
Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Chose to Return, Darkness - Loving, Blissful, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Encounters with Jesus, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Forced to Return, Life Review, Light, Music and/or Singing, Nature Is Alive, Aware, Intelligent, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Otherworldly Schools, Out-of-Body Experience, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, Tunnel
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Ian McCormack – DNDE, NDE
Ian McCormack’s story began in 1980, when he left New Zealand at the age of 24 for “The Big O.E”, a New Zealand tradition of young people traveling to get some “Overseas Experience.” He sought the “meaning to life” and was particularly interested in enlightenment from eastern religious teachings. Despite this interest, he became convinced through his travels that there was no life after death and this present life was all there was to live for. Later he would describe himself as a “gambling atheist” during this time. After backpacking and surfing through Asia and Africa, Ian ended up on the Island of Mauritius off the coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean. He struck up a friendship with some local Creole fishermen and went night diving to catch fish. On one particular night, while diving, Ian was stung by five Box Jellyfish, specifically the deadly variety of Box Jellyfish called the Sea Wasp – Chironex fleckeri. Paralyzed and dying, Ian was rushed to a hospital. While there, Ian states he experienced visions of heaven and hell, and felt Jesus empowering him to live so he might tell his story to others. According to Ian’s testimony, he came back to life on a slab in the morgue a full 15-20 minutes after he had been declared dead by the doctors. He was paralyzed from the neck down, but he prayed to be healed and walked out of the hospital the next day. After his experience, Ian describes how he thought he was the only one in the world who knew God. He began reading a Bible and says he was amazed to find everything he had experienced detailed within its pages. He became a missionary and ministered to indigenous tribes in southeast Asia where he met his future wife and fellow missionary, Jane. After they were married, they worked in New Zealand revivals until they felt called to start a church in England. Since then, he has traveled the world, sharing his testimony with churches, theaters and small groups. Ian’s testimony has been translated into a dozen languages and video interviews are available on YouTube and Google Video. Ian stresses constantly that his story is not to be sold; his story and book have been released without copyright, allowing anyone to download and print it. A feature length film based on Ian’s experience is in pre-production titled The Perfect Wave. Continue reading →
Posted in All Stories, Atheist (before NDE), Chose to Return, Darkness - Disturbing, DNDE, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Encounters with Jesus, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Featured Stories, Hell & Hellish Realms, Life Review, Light, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Out-of-Body Experience, Tunnel, Unconditional Love
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Dr. Rajiv Parti – DNDE, NDE
Dr. Rajiv Parti, founder of the Pain Management Institute of California and Chief of Anesthesiology at Bakersfield’s Heart Hospital, specialized in cardiac anesthesiology. On Christmas Eve of 2010, after two years of battling chronic pelvic pain, incontinence, and impotency due to surgical complications from prostate cancer, Dr. Parti was taken to the Emergency Room at UCLA. Suffering from sepsis (a life-threatening infection) and in excruciating pain, Dr. Parti had an out-of-body experience. Floating ten feet above his body, Dr. Parti watched his medical team as they struggled to save him. While part of his consciousness remained in the operating room in Los Angeles, another part of his consciousness journeyed to India where he watched family members prepare a meal. From there he visited hell, experienced a life review, met deceased loved ones, travelled through a “time tunnel,” and visited Heaven where he met a Being of Light (whom he regarded as God) and two guardian angels. During the experience, Rajiv was told that he was going to be alright, but that when he returned to his body, his life purpose would be changed forever: he would leave behind his materialistic lifestyle, stop practicing anesthesiology, and become a healer.
When Dr. Parti’s consciousness returned to his body, his mental, behavioral and psychological priorities changed dramatically. In the weeks that followed, Dr. Parti abandoned his career, and with the support of his wife and children, downsized his family home from a 10,000 square foot mansion to a modest home. He traded in his Hummer and Mercedes for a Toyota hybrid and now spends his time volunteering for community projects and teaching that chronic pain, addiction, and depression are “diseases of the soul.” In a radical departure from his conventional medical training, Dr. Parti now advocates a consciousness-based approach to healing. Continue reading →
Posted in All Stories, Awareness of Past Lives, DNDE, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Featured Stories, Given Specific Mission, Hell & Hellish Realms, Life Review, Light, Music and/or Singing, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Super-Heightened Senses, Tunnel, Unconditional Love
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Duane S – NDE
Duane’s near-death experience took place in the spring of 1981when he was 41 years old. Before his experience, he describes himself as an agnostic who held no spiritual beliefs. He believed “it would all be over” when he died and looked forward “to the oblivion.” After his NDE, Duane came to believe:
“There is nothing to fear in death. It’s just the beginning of a new adventure; another chance to express yourself differently with souls you have loved and cherished over many lifetimes and many realms. Now, I imagine death as being an E-Ticket to the ultimate theme park, and I am the one who selects which park to experience. I also select the rides while I’m there. The rides can be as scary or peaceful and loving. It’s always my choice. If you don’t like the ride you’re on, get off and find one that is more to your liking the next time around. After all, when God created humans in his likeness, he promised an eternity of joy and happiness. Since eternity is such a long time, and has no beginning or end, it covers all time everywhere…” Continue reading →
Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Atheist (before NDE), Awareness of Past Lives, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Forced to Return, Given Specific Mission, Hell & Hellish Realms, Life Elsewhere In The Universe, Life Review, Light, NDE, Otherworldly Places, Predictions, Purpose of Life, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe
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Cami Renfrow – NDE
When Cami was 22, she lost control of her car and was crushed when her airborne car landed on top of her. It shattered her sacrum, fractured her skull, and devastated much in between. Cami’s survival and ultimate thriving surprised many medical professionals who worked with the severe injuries. Cami subsequently experienced long, ongoing periods of altered states of consciousness. These experiences illuminated the suddenly self-evident fact that our physical bodies and experiences are manifestations of Consciousness. Years of oppressive chronic pain took their toll, with arthritis and fibromyalgia pain syndromes settling in after the initial trauma recovery. Over time, during moments of quiet, mystical visions and spontaneous healing unwound these layers of pain. Following the path unfolding before her, and with the help of shared information from many wise professional sources, nutrition, homeopathy and changing my thought and movement patterns, the tide turned. Cami’s perceptions and body felt more clarity and freedom than had ever been a part of her experience. Following many personal miracles of recovery, she came to recognize that with focused concentration we can channel life force energy for healing. She now views her tortuous car accident and the lessons from its aftermath as great gifts. Continue reading →
Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Awareness of Past Lives, Chose to Return, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Life Review, Light, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Predictions, Purpose of Life, Super-Heightened Senses, Unconditional Love
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Anne Horn – NDE
Anne Horne’s near-death experience occurred as a result of being strangled by her husband, who in a fit of rage, brought her to the point of death. She describes leaving her body, encountering an uncle she never met in this life on the other side, reviewing her life, being shown a vision of how “a new age of Heaven on Earth” would unfold, and being reminded that she had agreed to come to Earth to help manifest this vision. Anne also describes many things that happened to her after her near-death experience, including dealing with aftereffects such as being able to read people’s thoughts, blowing up light bulbs, affecting watches and cash registers, being aware of things happening in other dimensions, being able to communicate with some animals telepathically, and sometimes ending up in places that she didn’t intend to go in order to help someone in need. Continue reading →
Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Chose to Return, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Featured Stories, Given Specific Mission, Life Review, NDE, Out-of-Body Experience, Predictions, Purpose of Life, Tunnel
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Raymond Kinman – NDE
Raymond Kinman experienced his near-death experience in 1966 when he was nine years old. As a result of a Judo throw gone wrong, Raymond, a 4th grader at the time, landed on the top of his head, on concrete. As a result, Raymond’s body began convulsing and his tongue retracted, causing his body to suffocate.
Raymond found himself in a place with “no gravity, no color, no darkness, and no light.” Says Raymond, “I didn’t know where I was or how I had gotten there. I was absolutely terrified.” When Raymond was finally able to let go of his fear, he felt better. And then he saw a pinpoint of light “10 million times brighter than the sun.” He then met a spiritual being who knew him and who introduced him to God. “Beautiful, blissful pure love” is how he describes the encounter. After spending time with The Light and a multitude of other beings that made The Light, Raymond was told, against his wishes, that he must return.
When he recovered, he told his mother what had happened. A devout Catholic, she took him to a priest, who told him that since he didn’t see Jesus in the experience, it was probably a trick of Satan. The conflict between what Raymond experienced and the counsel he received from his priest caused Raymond to actively suppress his experience for many years. It wasn’t until years later — when the term “near-death experience” was created — that he realized he wasn’t alone.
Raymond did not speak publicly about his experience for 45 years. In recent years, he has spoken at many chapters and at the IANDS national conference. And now, almost a half century after his NDE, he can say, “When I die I’ll have a big smile on my face… because I know what’s coming!” Continue reading →
Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Became God, Darkness - Disturbing, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Light, Music and/or Singing, Nature Is Alive, Aware, Intelligent, NDE, Unconditional Love
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Rob Wood – NDE
Rob Wood was born in 1948 at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, to a Jewish mother and Southern Baptist father who resolved the theological conflict by agreeing to never mention God or religion in the home. At the age of 10, Rob became a seeker on his own, setting the stage for a life-long quest to understand the nature of God, humanity, and his part in the Cosmic play. While in search of a deeper grasp of universal truths, Rob read about the therapeutic use of LSD by Stanislav Grof, Timothy Leary and other researchers, and he decided to do some serious experimentation of his own. On Valentine’s Day in 1968, due to a miscalculation in the potency of the tablets Rob took, he accidentally ingested 70 times the standard dosage required for the experience, and abruptly left his body. Rob’s account of the ensuing journey through this universe and beyond, his immersion in the “river of souls” he found there, and his reluctant return to Earth, is a unique look at the NDE/STE phenomenon. Continue reading →
Posted in All Stories, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Feeling One with the Universe, Light, Music and/or Singing, Out-of-Body Experience, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, The Void, Unconditional Love
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Posted in Aftereffects, All Knowingness, All Stories, Atheist (before NDE), Awareness of Past Lives, Blind from Birth, Chose to Return, Controversial People, Claims, Stories, Darkness - Disturbing, Darkness - Loving, Blissful, DNDE, Encountered Boundary, Encounters with Angels, Encounters with Demonic Beings, Encounters with Family & Friends, Encounters with God, Encounters with Jesus, Encounters with Spiritual Beings, Experienced Miraculous Healing, Explored Human History, Featured Stories, Feeling One with the Universe, Forced to Return, Given Specific Mission, Hell & Hellish Realms, Life Elsewhere In The Universe, Life Review, Light, More Than One God, Music and/or Singing, Nature Is Alive, Aware, Intelligent, NDE, NDLE, Otherworldly Places, Otherworldly Schools, Out-of-Body Experience, Predictions, SDE, Stars, Galaxies, The Created Universe, STE, Super-Heightened Senses, The Void, Tunnel, Type of Experience, Unconditional Love
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